best jewelry blogger

Jewelry Trends from VICENZAORO The Boutique Show

If you’re been following my adventures on Instagram, you already know that my recent visit to the VICENZAORO jewelry show in Italy was pretty much a treasure trove of gorgeous jewels. VICENZAORO’s tagline is “The Future. Now.” I saw some definite…

#idazzletravels: VICENZAORO The Boutique Show

I am leaving my first VICENZAORO jewelry show with that singular mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. The exhaustion is likely from trans-atlantic travel and an exciting pace of activities that VICENZAORO show organizers set up. The exhilaration…

#idazzletravels: VICENZAORO in Italy!

In one week, I’ll be on Italian soil. About an hour from Venice, there is a town with an illustrious goldsmith tradition: Vicenza, Italy. This city is now synonymous with an international jewelry tradeshow: VICENZAORO. I’m so excited and honored to be able to attend and see a truly…

Happy New Year!

I received this journal as a gift in 2013 and started using in early in 2014. It’s nearly full, the last few pages filling up as the year winds down. There are entries early on that are nearly illegible, as I scribbled my thoughts while bouncing along the red dirt roads in East Africa. Some missives were scripted on airplanes…

#idazzledesires: Robert Procop and Angelina Jolie Necklace

Have you read the recent Vanity Fair article about Angelina Jolie? According to the author, as the ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, she shows up early to UNHCR meetings, ready to take notes. She travels to some…

#idazzledesires: Malak Atut ZAIKEN Jewelry

Graceful transition is a theme for Malak Atut of ZAIKEN Jewelry. Personally, she embodies modern transition through her roles as jewelry designer, mom, business owner, and President of the Contemporary Jewelry Design Group. She spends her days…

#idazzledesires: Keep Calm and Sparkle On

Today, #idazzledesires isn’t a thing. Not a tangible thing, anyway. This is a desire for calm. Peace. Reflection. Bliss, even. This is about the time, in the arc of holiday time between actually enjoying the music and decorations to that frantic…

#idazzledesires: Touchstone Jewelry Supports Breast Cancer Charities

Writing today’s #idazzledesires made me a little emotional. Even in the spirit of jewelry that gives back or does good in some way, this company is exceptional. This is as personal as jewelry can get, with a singular body part forever immortalized in precious metal…

#idazzledesires: Anabel Higgins Bracelet for Breast Cancer Charities

Anabel Higgins began making jewelry while recovering from breast cancer. Her jewelry originally featured vintage sporting medals from Britain, and has evolved into a fully-realized collection incorporating vintage jewelry with 18kt gold and fine silver. This bracelet…

#idazzledesires: Erika Winters Thea Engagement Ring

This isn’t just the holiday season–it’s also engagement season. I have heard that almost a third of annual proposals happen between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. I guess this is when promises and wishes really do come true. If you’re dreaming of a “white Christmas”…