
Grammy Jewelry: The Band Perry and a Dove Necklace by Kismet

It seems to be fate, that a necklace designed by Turkish designer Kismet by Milka hit the big time last night around the neck of Kimberly Perry, lead singer of The Band Perry at the 2012 Grammy Awards…

BaubleBar Buried Bauble: Amazing Jewelry for $10!

My favorite site for fashion jewelry, BaubleBar, has an amazing promotion going on for the holidays: 20 days of Buried Baubles–where one item on the site is secretly marked down to just $10…

Jewelry Icons Spotlight: An Interview with Janet Goldman of Fragments Jewelry

The name that launched a thousand careers. That term just might apply to Janet Goldman, Founder and CEO of Fragments, Inc. Based in NYC, Fragments has been a taste arbiter since 1984…

idazzle Jewelry Giveaway: Gerard Yosca Necklace!

Need a little spring fling? We have a giveaway for you that is glamorous, gorgeous, and golden! Gerard Yosca, the iconic fashion jewelry designer, and idazzle…

Special Jewelry for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I want to shout out a couple of amazing retailers and manufacturers who have special offers in the month of October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. These are a great way to fashionably treat yourself, and do something wonderful at the same time…