Jewelry Designer Spotlight: A Conversation with Pamela Froman Fine Jewelry

Pamela Froman is a jewelry designer with her own unapologetically distinctive style. Besides the astonishing gemstones Pamela features, her jewelry is instantly recognizable for its textured finish, which she brands as…

WWMW (What Would Monica Wear)? WJA Awards for Excellence Gala

I’m back from New York City and the Women’s Jewelry Association Awards for Excellence Gala. I didn’t win, in case you were wondering. The lovely Melissa Colgan from Martha Stewart Weddings took the Award for Excellence in Media…

5 Years, WJA Awards for Excellence, and Why Words–and Jewelry–Matter

In a few days, I’ll be leaving for New York City for the Women’s Jewelry Association annual Gala on Monday, July 29th. This is a big event, especially this year, as WJA is celebrating their 30th anniversary (congrats, WJA!). So it would be fun and important to attend in any case…