Roger Dery gem cutter

#idazzletravels: Kenya and Tanzania Part One: The Gems

I find myself saying “Asante” to people instead of thank you, and, like a narcoleptic, fall asleep mid-sentence after 8pm. I must be home from Africa.
I just returned from my 6th trip–in about 30 months–to Kenya and Tanzania. After so many trips…

Sharing the Rough Uncut: Adventures in Rough Gemstone Buying

Our days are dense with experiences…

Today we’re on location at a local gem dealer’s office in Voi, Kenya! It’s an exciting day, to say the least. Not only are we on set, we’re in front of the camera!
The filming process is…

Guest Post: Rachel Dery, The Magic of a Picture

I am so thrilled to announce my FIRST EVER GUEST POST for! I can’t think of a better inaugural post than this account from Rachel Dery. Rachel is the daughter of very special people in the industry, Ginger and Roger Dery, gem cutter, dealer, and philanthropist…

Gem Hunt and Sharing the Rough: Going to Africa

My arm hurts, and I’m kind of happy about it. I just had Yellow Fever and Polio subcutaneous vaccines, the third and fourth–or more, I forget–in a series of inoculations…

Be Part of a (Jewelry) Movie: Sharing The Rough

Have I mentioned that I’m going to be in a movie? No? Ok, just kidding. Maybe. Who doesn’t want to be some small part–or at least a voyeur into the process–of a film? I recently heard about a documentary movie project that follows a jewelry design…