
Jewelry Designer Spotlight: Jordan Alexander Jewelry Interview

I love it when an emerging jewelry designer hits a home run right from the start. Jordan Alexander Jewelry is a new designer jewelry company…

New Meus Designs

A few months ago I had the pleasure of interviewing Meus Designs, click here to see her amazing collections and read about her inspirations. The designer, Suneera Swarup, has a real gift…

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: An Interview with Meus Designs

I get a lot of suggestions and submissions about new designers from a variety of sources. It’s what makes my job interesting. But every once in a while, I see something that makes me drop my boots off the desk…

Retailer Spotlight: Review of

I get approached by a number of online retailers, wanting to get a mention or a link. But unless I have personal experience with ordering and receiving great quality merchandise, I can’t in good conscience recommend someone or something sight-unseen. So when…

How to Reset Your Engagement Ring (and Why It’s Okay to Change Your Mind)

You thought you could never be happier than when he first slipped that ring on your finger! You had your ring, and your love…forever! But now it’s 14 years later, and…

Designer Spotlight: An Interview with Jewelry Designer Cheryl Lynn Greenspoon

Cheryl Lynn Greenspoon has been creating a lovely collection of jewelry since 2007. After a number of years in the television production world, she left her job and began studying jewelry…

Top 5 Engagement Ring Trends for 2010

Here are the Top 5 Trends for engagement ring designs that I have seen online, in stores, and on people’s hands…

Leon Mege, The Most Beautiful Rings In The World?

I have been ushered into an inner sanctum in the heart of the Diamond District of 47th St, NYC. And my life may never be the same. I first stumbled upon Leon Mege and his custom platinum ring designs online…

Proofs of Love

I have been reading this book lately, “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin. It’s a chronicle of the author’s year spent researching and implementing resolutions to try and be happier with her life and the here-and-now…

Great Gift Ideas for Men: Cufflinks

I’ve done a few gift guides lately, but I can’t forget the guys! I know, every gift list for men has cufflinks, but what else besides a watch and maybe a wedding ring are guys going to wear…