
“Everyone Is a Writer”

I had a situation this week that made me question–at least for a few angsty moments– and what I do with my time. A month or two ago, I made a proposal to an organization. They must have liked my idea: they did almost exactly what I proposed…

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: Pamela Huizenga Jewelry at Couture

It always starts with the shiny things. Children’s pockets full of interesting bits, collected throughout a day: stones, fossils, crystals. Like magpies, we’re drawn to the treasure hunt. For Pamela Huizenga, her fascination with color and gemstones began this way…

Social Media Success and The Women’s Jewelry Association

Ok, a quick show of hands: who is afraid of Twitter? Paralyzed by Google+? Confused by Klout? Last week, my friend and fellow jewelry writer/blogger, Erika Winters and I asked those very questions, when we presented our strategies and tips for Social Media…

What She Really Wants for Mother’s Day

As far as holidays go, Mother’s Day is special. Gifts need careful consideration, an extra thoughtfulness. Certainly, jewelry is appreciated. Who wouldn’t want a small box, a total surprise, a lump-in-the-throat sense of anticipation? And you get the…

Sharing the Rough: Into the Mine!