
Jewelry Gift Ideas: Vicente Agor Bracelets #HintingSeason

I have published all sorts of gift guides in the five year history of I’ve done gift guides by price range, and gift guides for jewelry essentials and designer jewelry. Actually, the entire site functions as one giant gift guide…

Gem Hunt and Sharing the Rough: Going to Africa

My arm hurts, and I’m kind of happy about it. I just had Yellow Fever and Polio subcutaneous vaccines, the third and fourth–or more, I forget–in a series of inoculations…

What Have I Been Up To? New Showroom in Seattle

I am so lucky! Everyday, I feel that the world of jewelry design is my own personal jewelry box. I get to open up the (virtual) box daily and write about and feature the jewelry that most strikes my fancy. Well, now I’m even luckier…

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: Elizabeth Garvin Fine Jewelry

Elizabeth Garvin makes jewelry that plays with pure essence. She refines and extracts forms down to their simplest–almost mathematical–form. All hand-made in her New York City studio…

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: Anna Ruth Henriques

I love contradiction. Something that appears one way, but is actually quite another. A little tension with the beauty. So imagine my intrigue with Anna Ruth Henriques‘ jewelry…

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: Walt Adler

I met Walt Adler Chefitz of Walt Adler in Las Vegas at the Couture Jewelry Show. His jewelry stopped me in my tracks (literally), but his story is even more fascinating…

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: Sevan Bicakci

Sevan Bicakci is an artist. He is a sculptor creating artwork through stone carving. It just happens to be of a scale that can be called jewelry…

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: A Conversation with Pamela Froman Fine Jewelry

Pamela Froman is a jewelry designer with her own unapologetically distinctive style. Besides the astonishing gemstones Pamela features, her jewelry is instantly recognizable for its textured finish, which she brands as…

#idazzled: New Body Jewelry by Colette Steckel

A trend to watch this Fall is the creative Art Deco interpretations that some jewelry designers are inventing. I’m calling it post-Deco. This new body jewelry by Colette Steckel exemplifies this trend, plus my current preoccupation for jewelry that wraps and drapes… Emerging Designer: Athomie

I’m pretty excited about Athomie, an Italian designer launching in the US market. Most jewelry is focused on visual beauty alone. Athomie…