Luxury Brand Group

#idazzletravels: VICENZAORO The Boutique Show

I am leaving my first VICENZAORO jewelry show with that singular mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. The exhaustion is likely from trans-atlantic travel and an exciting pace of activities that VICENZAORO show organizers set up. The exhilaration…

#idazzletravels: VICENZAORO in Italy!

In one week, I’ll be on Italian soil. About an hour from Venice, there is a town with an illustrious goldsmith tradition: Vicenza, Italy. This city is now synonymous with an international jewelry tradeshow: VICENZAORO. I’m so excited and honored to be able to attend and see a truly…

Las Vegas Sneak Peek at New Jewelry: Michael John Jewelry

One of the perks of my job–besides the obvious of getting to constantly ogle gorgeous jewels–is that I go to the big jewelry shows each year. The largest by far is the Las Vegas Market in May/June each year…