
Jewelry Giveaway: Jewelry Gift Guide and Giveaway

I am so thrilled to announce an exciting jewelry giveaway sponsored by! One lucky reader is going to WIN a $750 Gift Card to to apply towards any piece of jewelry on their website!

Cyber Monday Jewelry Deals

Cyber Monday is shaping up to be a great time to buy jewelry, whether for yourself or for a gift! Here is a round up of some great deals…

New Meus Designs

A few months ago I had the pleasure of interviewing Meus Designs, click here to see her amazing collections and read about her inspirations. The designer, Suneera Swarup, has a real gift…

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: Gerard Yosca Interview

Gerard Yosca is an artist whose medium happens to be jewelry. Inspiring, chic, textural, brilliant jewelry. Since 1986 Gerard has been creating his signature designs…

Valentine’s Day Jewelry Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Chocolate is fine, but with great chocolate available at most grocery check-out stands, is it really that special? An iPad would be great, but, I hate to break it to you, I think they’re getting that for themselves…

Retailer Spotlight: Review of

I get approached by a number of online retailers, wanting to get a mention or a link. But unless I have personal experience with ordering and receiving great quality merchandise, I can’t in good conscience recommend someone or something sight-unseen. So when…

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: An Interview with Kara Ackerman

When I saw the stack of bangles in candy-colored gems in gold, I knew I was hooked. Kara Ackerman’s designs are a lot like the designer herself: fun, fresh, and arresting. I especially love how price-accessible her designs are…

Special Jewelry for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

I want to shout out a couple of amazing retailers and manufacturers who have special offers in the month of October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. These are a great way to fashionably treat yourself, and do something wonderful at the same time…

Ode to a Simple Wedding Band

In my recent interview with the amazing Wendy Brandes, she mentioned that she nevers wears jewelry around the house for reasons she outlines on her blog. Which is funny, because I never wear jewelry around home either…

Designer Spotlight: An Interview with Jewelry Designer Wendy Brandes

I have been stalking, I mean, following jewelry designer Wendy Brandes for over 2 years now, ever since I typed “Jewelry Blog” into a search engine in 2008 and she came up as number 1 or 2…