April, 2014

Poem in Your Pocket Day: Grandmother’s Hands

I’ve been thinking a lot about my Grandma lately. Not so much about the last few years of her life, though she was still lucid and vibrant until the very end at age 92, but about when I was still a child. Her house. Her piano, never silent at family gatherings…

Beautifully Sustainable Diamonds: Avilan Storied Diamonds

Do you want stunning design in diamond jewelry, and complete confidence in how the diamond and metals were sourced? If the word sustainable is more than a buzzword in your life, you need to know about Avilan Storied Diamonds

Robert Procop Emerald Collection on Tour

When a group reaches a critical mass of talent, they just have to tour. I’m not talking about a rock band, although ‘The Emeralds’ would be a great name. This time I’m talking about some truly spectacular gemstones, some of which are such rarities they almost defy description…

Calling All Jewelry Designers: New Designer Gallery at JA New York

Hey, this is a shout out to all my jewelry designer friends, particularly if you’re a new talent who recently launched your business. The JA New York Show has announced that applications are now being accepted for the coveted New Designer Gallery…

Jewelry Designer Spotlight: Jenny Reeves San Francisco

It is my great pleasure to combine two favorite passions whenever possible: travel and jewelry. Travel is necessary for my perspective, knowledge, and empathy. I try to fuse travel with visiting jewelry designers on their turf…